Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Advanced Process Controls

Lean Times Demand Faster Returns
Centurion Controls can help sustain the life of your assets and maximize the operational performance of your plant, factory, or mill. Learn more about how Centurion Controls can help you reduce costs and increase efficiency during these challenging economic times.
Optimize the Process with Advanced Process Control
Centurion Controls  Advanced Process Control and Optimization applications address all aspects of 
process optimization, from improving regulatory loop control to globally optimizing the entire 
process based on a unique layered approach. Centurion Controls is unique in the industry with its 
multi-faceted optimization approach. This approach provides a scalable, benefits-driven approach 
for the deployment and long-term sustainability of the solution leveraging a common skill set from 
base Advanced Process Control technology to multi-unit and multi-plant optimization. Centurion 
Controls technologies are designed to be flexible and applicable to a wide range of industrial 
processes, are more easily implemented than competing products, and provide leading edge 
technologies for the maintenance and long-term sustainability of the solutions. As the foundation of 
Centurion Controls multi-faceted optimization approach, APC provides the base for increasing 
economic benefits of your process in a user-friendly environment. Project payback periods of less 
than a year are typical with sustained benefits lasting indefinitely.
Benefits of Centurion Controls APC application:
        Increase profitability through increased production, reduced operating costs and improved 
product quality.
        Improve plant safety with more flexible operations and early detection of abnormal events.
        Increase employee productivity through improved operator effectiveness and lower 
engineering requirements.
        Achieve the highest return on investment and continue to deliver sustainable results 
throughout the entire application lifecycle.
        Improve profitability by increasing production and decreasing costs with Centurion Controls  
     modeling and multivariable advanced control and optimization products.
        Ongoing advanced control and optimization of plant operations ensures responsiveness to 
inevitable changes in business demands through close linkages with planning, scheduling, and 
management functions. Our unique solutions improve profitability by increasing throughput, 
reducing costs, increasing yields, and improving product quality.
        Advanced Control and Optimization products address all aspects of advanced process 
control and optimization—from improving regulatory loop control—to globally optimizing the entire 
process based on a unique layered approach. This model allows new technologies to be easily 
added at any time to a common platform that meets optimization objectives without compromising 
future opportunities to improve business performance.

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