Thursday, March 27, 2014

Functional description of PLC

lHardware of PLC:
  1. Power supply module
  2. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  3. Input / Output modules

  4. Programming device or Programmer

lPLC Input module:

lPLC Output module:
lScanning sequence of PLC:

lAdvantages of PLC:
  1. Smaller physical size than hard-wire solutions.
  2. Easier and faster to make changes.
  3. PLC has integrated diagnostics and override                   
  4. Diagnostics are centrally available.
  5. Application can be immediately documented.

Sensors & Transducers
lPressure sensing & measuring elements
lLevel sensing & measuring elements
lTemperature sensing & measuring elements
lFlow sensing & measuring elements

Concept of different programming software

lCX-Programmer for Ladder diagram
lCX-Process tool for Function block development
lNS-Designer for Operator station
lCX-Supervisor for SCADA application
lCX-Simulator for Program testing

CX-Programming Environment

CX-Process tool Environment

NS-Designer Environment

CX-Supervisor Environment

Maintenance of PLC
Preventive Maintenance
On line Maintenance
Off line Maintenance

Before maintenance of PLC an Engineer must have:  

Proper documentation
Spares parts
Practical working experience on PLC

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