Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Introduction to PLC

By control we mean that the physical variables/process variable are kept constant as the desired value.

Type of control:
          1. Manual control
          2. Automatic control

Type of Automatic control:
        1. Open loop control

        2. Close loop control

l Type of Close loop control:
        1. Feed-forward control
        2. Feed-back control

Advantage of Automatic control:
       1. Increased production
       2. Improve quality
       3. Saving in Raw material, Energy, Manpower.
       4.Increased Safety, etc.

         A Programmable Logic Controller is a special form of microprocessor based controller that uses a programmable memory to store instruction and to implement function such as logic, sequence, timing, counting, comparing and the processing of analog signals in order to control machines and process. 

Advanced PLC:
        The modern advanced PLC’s can handle various types of analog signals. It can handle Thermocouple (TC), Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), Pulse, High speed count signal, Voltage, Current, etc.
         So the modern PLC can provide a complete solution for operating and process plant.
General specification of PLC:
  1. Input output specification
  2. Control specification
  3. Peripheral function
  4. Maintenance function

SCADA system:
It means Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. SCADA is graphical software for Human Machine Interface (HMI).

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